This is certainly eye-opening...

We knew we had a technology problem before the pandemic hit. However, being forced to stay home while something terrible was happening in our world made things worse. Many of us turned to binge-watching to not only keep ourselves entertained, but also to give ourselves an escape from reality.

I think this has made it even more difficult to break our screen time habit.

While watching your favorite show can help reduce stress levels, it's not really helping your physical health. Logging all of those hours on the couch while snacking on everything in the pantry is a recipe for disaster. As easy as it is to sit around, our bodies are made to move.

Recently, researchers decided to take a look at what they believe humans will look like after 20 years of binging. Yeah, they went there. The models they created were shared with the Mirror. They hope that the two models, named Eric and Hannah, will serve as a catalyst for change.

Both models are overweight with pore posture. Their bloodshot eyes have dark circles and bags around them, most likely from the lack of sleep. In addition, they each are showing signs of premature aging (GASP!) and bald spots from lack of sunlight and the harmful effects of blue light from your screens. They also are suffering from misshapen legs muscles, varicose veins and "dead-butt syndrome."

Honestly, it's not a far stretch from the humans featured in the movie Wall-E.

I believe technology addiction is a very real thing. And while I do use technology to disappear from real life every so often, I know there are other things you can do to help yourself through tough times. Move your body, eat well, drink water, get outside, spend physical quality time with loved ones. All of things have helped me during this tough year.

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