It's one thing to nap at work when you are actually going in to the office. It's tough to hide the fact that you are sound asleep at your desk or on the floor in your cubicle without co-workers ratting out your at-work siesta. Some occupations make it really tough to snooze on the job too. It's not like you can find a quiet spot to grab some zzz's if you are say, a roofer or if you're manning the front line of a drive-through restaurant. People (your boss) would surely notice.

Things change a little bit if you've been working at home. There are no pesky supervisors around to catch you in the act of "just resting your eyes for a minute." And with the bed or a couch so close to your workspace, will anyone really notice if you just take a break and sleep for an hour or two?

loading... recently conducted a survey of 2,000 people in all 50 states who have been working from home. They asked them six questions about their work habits and found out a lot of people have been napping on the job. The good news? Not in Montana. We tied with Wyoming and Vermont for 0% of workers admitted to snoozing on the clock. Way to go, Montana! You can call us a lot of things, but lazy isn't one of them.

States with employees most likely to admit they napped at work are: Nebraska, Alaska and North Dakota, where over half of the survey respondents said they slept on the clock. Other top non-work activities workers admit to doing while "at work" include: social media, texting, surfing the web, smoke/snack breaks and household activities. Read the full survey results HERE.


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