Straight Outta the Mouth of...Multi-Generational Montanans 

After I posted my reaction article to a reddit thread, I received an informational email from Stephanie. She’s married to Greg, a multigenerational Montanan. She told Greg’s story and I felt the need to share this with the world. If you haven't read the first story, start there then come back to this one. Click here to read. 

Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva

Stephanie first mentions why Montanans whose families have been here for over a century, seem “elitist,” or “snobbish.” 

She goes into detail about the work ethic farmers and ranchers possess. How the drought from the 1980’s caused havoc for her husband’s family-owned ranch here in Montana. 

Credit: Stephanie's Email
Credit: Stephanie's Email to Mix 97.1  Morning Show

Key words: Independence and Hard Work

Stephanie also mentions that life wasn’t easy for her husband Greg’s family, but they were always willing to share with what they had for others in need.  They are victors, not victims of circumstance. See below. 

Credit: Stephanie's Email to the Morning Mix 97.1
Credit: Stephanie's Email to the Morning Mix 97.1

I received a different email from Melanie and also enjoyed this one! 

Melanie states, 

 "We won’t have many of the supplies, food items, etc you may be accustomed to having. We’re also gonna hang back a minute and let you settle. Then we’ll roll out the welcome wagon. After you’ve survived the first years, you too, can begin building your high n mighty attitude."

Here's the full email from Melanie below.

Credit: Melanie's Email to Mix 97.1 Morning Show
Credit: Melanie's Email to Mix 97.1 Morning Show

Moral of the story about multi-generational Montanans being "snobbish"  

I personally think this goes to show how resilient multi-generational ranchers and farmers are in this beautiful state. If you want land, a ranch, etc. you have to do the research, and be prepared for extreme weather conditions. Montanans do not want to come save you’ in the snow every time you get stuck. After two years pass, they will "roll out the welcome wagon.

Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva

It's a good conversation to have.

Multi-generational ranchers don't think they're better than anybody. It needs to be recognized how hard they work to put food on our tables. Thank you Montana ranchers and farmers! 

How To Drive Safely During The Winter In Montana

Montana's winters can be nasty and no, even if you're from a place with snow, you aren't ready for our roads. Trust us. Here's how to drive safely during the winter in Montana.

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