
JP Is Learning To Drive Stick
JP Is Learning To Drive Stick
JP Is Learning To Drive Stick
Yes, you read that headline correct. I'm almost 28 years old and have never learned how to drive a stick shift or manual car.  My husband has been pestering me for years to learn how to drive stick in case something comes up and I need to drive his car. Thu...
Is There Anything Worse Than Going To The DMV? [Opinion]
Is There Anything Worse Than Going To The DMV? [Opinion]
Is There Anything Worse Than Going To The DMV? [Opinion]
Before you think that I am mad at the DMV or are being rude... I'm not! I just think everyone has this conception that the DMV sucks. Which, for some people, it might. But to be completely honest, I've never had an issue. But, calling the DMV for an appointment, that's where the shocker is...