
Most Dedicated Student Ever
Most Dedicated Student Ever
Most Dedicated Student Ever
It's unclear how well this student does in school, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say most people who attend college could sure learn from this guys work ethic. An 18 year old student by the name of Bradley Halton from London had a pretty big test last week, but not before five thugs ATTACKED him. They viciously beat him up, even STABBED him with a screwdriver four times.
Wanna Feel Old? 2014 College Freshman Were in Kindergarten When 9/11 Occured
Wanna Feel Old? 2014 College Freshman Were in Kindergarten When 9/11 Occured
Wanna Feel Old? 2014 College Freshman Were in Kindergarten When 9/11 Occured
Here's a list concerning this year's college freshmen that will honestly make you feel so old that you might as well start looking into retirement homes. The annual "Mindset List" was published by Beliot College in Wisconsin that really put things into perspective about today's college freshmen and at the same time make you feel like an old fart. Keep in mind that new college students we
Spoiled Kids Get Terrible Grades During Their College Years
Spoiled Kids Get Terrible Grades During Their College Years
Spoiled Kids Get Terrible Grades During Their College Years
Anyone who's had it rough during their school years should appreciate this karma-laced bit of good news. Something like this might be all you need to make any bad day better. Had a terrible day at work? Here, read this article again... Research out of the University of Carolina has revealed that SPOILED CHILDREN get TERRIBLE GRADES during the college years that they attend.
50 Learning Lessons For UM Students Outside of Class
50 Learning Lessons For UM Students Outside of Class
50 Learning Lessons For UM Students Outside of Class
Clearly there is a LOT more to attending a University than just going to school.  It's a fact, years out, many students have forgotten just about all of their overly-priced education . . . and ALL their memories are about the stuff that happened outside of classroom. A new study just compiled a list of the top 50 things kids learn outside of class in school.  Here are the top 10 . . .
Back to School
Back to School
Back to School
Just because teachers have summers in Montana off doesn't mean they have it easy. Consider this: How much do you spend on work supplies each year if you work for the average company? Odds are, it's around zero. Most places provide the tools for your productivity. According to three retired Montana teachers, they spend A LOT more than that.
Biebs Builds A School
Biebs Builds A School
Biebs Builds A School
Justin Bieber's good deeds are often left overlooked, but in reality, he is a pretty charitable kid. And get this -- he spent his Sunday, the day most kids his age are recovering from a night of partying with friends, in the jungles of Guatemala, aiding a group of poor villagers and helping them put up a schoolhouse.

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